Yoni Solo Tour with Serengeti!


Be sure not to miss Yoni’s solo rap dates with Serengeti! Tickets at http://www.whywithaquestionmark.com

May 5—Beachland—Cleveland, Ohio *
May 6—The Bug Jar—Rochester, New York *
May 7—Space—Hamden, Connecticut *
May 8—Space Gallery—Portland, Maine *
May 9—The Columbus—Providence, Rhode Island *
May 10—Knitting Factory—Brooklyn, New York *
May 12—PhilaMOCA—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania *
May 14—Double Happiness—Columbus, Ohio
May 15—MOCAD—Detroit, Michigan *
May 16—Woodward—Cincinnati, Ohio *
July 23—The Bishop—Bloomington, Indiana *
July 24—The Terrace—Madison, Wisconsin *
July 25—7th Street Entry—Minneapolis, Minnesota *
July 26—Schubas—Chicago, Illinois *
* with Serengeti